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2023 Forecast & Meditation

Sat Nam Guruchander here, Kirn and I have been talking to each other about a Kickstart for you for 2023.

2023 is a five year – the fifth body will rule the whole year and the theme is expansion and knowledge. Expanding your knowledge of yourself and how to handle your environment.

Jupiter is indiscriminate it’s going to expand if you’re positive it’s going to expand your positivity if you’re in a negative space it’s going to expand your negative space.

So we have devised over time what we call KABAAMMM

Kriya, Breath, Asana, Affirmation, Mudra, Mantra and Meditation. These eight limbs help give you the ability to have the Jupiter energy serve you versus hassle you.

We want to give you a 40-day start if you can start on the first that’s great or whenever you can do 40 days.

The breath basically you’re going to inhale with your head looking to the left exhale to the right. Hands are going to be in this position Gian mudra Egyptian pose. Just inhale left and exhale.  We’re using the Jupiter mudra and your what you’re going to do is tune into what this knowledge and expansion is all about.

If you do then in 2023 it’s going to serve you and expand those things you want to be working on in your psyche. 

For the Asana there are several shoulder stand neck rolls cat Cow anything that puts the energy in this thyroid parathyroid area fifth chakra. Fifth body rules the physical body so it will behoove you to be in the best shape you can be physically because the fifth body is the physical body.

The mudra you know will be doing this mudra but also if you want to enhance your Communications which happens to be your speaking and listening through this Center you can use budhi mudra.

This will expand and if you want to expand your capacity to hear infinity and speak Infinity then you’ll spend a little bit of time with the budhi mudra.

The Mantra is I am I am and the meditation you’ve already seen. We’re using this meditation to tune you into Jupiter so for this first 40 days of the year now you can carry this on.

We’ll be giving you monthly tools that you can apply but basically in 2023 whenever you start to space out you feel overwhelmed go into the Jupiter mudra and start I am I am mantra.

Kirn will be reading her affirmation that she’s going to do every day of the year we hope that what this does for you is give you a Harmony with Jupiter. The purpose of all these ten bodies is so that you’re the master of your whole psyche which has 10 parts.

The entire universe serves me now is the ultimate mantra when all of these ten bodies are actually serving you you’ve rewritten your destiny so that you’re living in Dharma and not karma.

Karma is when you’re reacting, so as soon as you notice you’re reacting to the events of the world to the events or in your personal life then you need Dharma which is your practice. 

Your practices create that responsive Cosmic conscious response to what’s happening the world is going to do what it’s going to do it’s going to expand you have a choice whether you react in Karma or respond with Consciousness in Dharma.

Our hope is to give you what has served us for all these years of practicing Kundalini yoga and that is a Dharmic lifestyle that gives you Harmony which translates into I’m at ease when you’re not at ease when you’re reacting then do your disciplines and give yourself that giant capacity to live in harmony with your whole being

Sat Nam

A Conscious Practice to Accept the Gift of 2023:

1) Sit in easy pose, arms up in ‘Egyptian” pose, both hands in Gyan Mudra (tip of index finger touches tip of thumb), palms face forward. 

2) Inhale as you turn the head to the left and exhale as you turn to the right.

Do this for three minutes every day to expand your knowledge of yourSelf, and to live as the light of your soul.