Sat Nam friend
Camping for the last few days we all LOVED the amazing beauty of Colorado and not so loved the plethora of biting and stinging bugs.
Yet isn’t this a perfect metaphor for life? There seems to ALWAYS be beauty and the bugs….
Our opportunity as tantric/kundalini yogis is to weave these polarities into a new contextual fabric for our life.
A fabric of consciousness where we use the energy which gets liberated when we move beyond the judgy part of our mind into the transformational space of awareness.
This is way different then reading positive affirmations or ‘cancelling’ statements, or trying to just not focus on those bugs (like that works…)
This transformation happens with a committed yogic lifestyle, and a ‘no matter what’ daily practice from a space of self love.
Together Guruchander and I have lived a yogic lifestyle over 90 years and we will share with you what it takes to transform your life by learning to weave the polarities on September 6 at 6pm.
Happy weaving!
Kirn and Guruchander