Sat Nam
This month of Taurus we wanted to share the yogic and nutritional support as listed on this site: If you’re interested in YOUR support protocol, just go to this site and you’ll find all 12 astrological signs listed there. You can find the specific nutritional supplements there as well.
Below find protocols to harmonize your energy with the optimal function of your birth sign as Taurus.
To find all the yoga sets (kriyas) and meditations as recommended in the protocol please visit: >>Healthy Lifestyle >>Health Protocol Support
• In Chinese medicine Taurus rules the large intestine meridian with its meridian partner Aries and these intersect at the location of the fourth chakra.
• In Purest Potential Kundalini Yoga Libra rules the fourth Body, when balanced you’ll experience kindness, compassion, ease in giving and receiving, empathy and the ability for deep listening, and for staying neutral to outside events.
Yoga Formula KBAAMMM (kriya, breath, action, affirmation, meditation, mantra, mudra).
Practice these anytime to balance the Large Intestine meridian:
Kriya: Any yoga set for the fourth body listed on
Breath: Breath of Fire with hands in prayer pose at the heart
Action: Practice compassion
Affirmation: I serve
Meditation: Any meditation listed on for the fourth body
Mantra: RaMaDaSa
Mudra: Prayer Pose at the heart
1st step) To strengthen the functioning of the large intestine, first follow the liver detox and support protocol, as listed in the overall protocols list, for at least 4 weeks.
After 2 weeks of the detox add the following cell salts:
To balance the polarities at the 4th chakra, take the cell salts for both Aries, which is Kali Phos and for Taurus which is Nat Sulph. Take 4 tablets of each remedy four times a day. Dr Schuessler who created these homeopathic cell salts was one of my first mentors. He understood health from an astrological viewpoint which is based on how light impacts your well-being and homeopathy works with light energy.
2) After 4 weeks of the detox protocol you can add the following tonics (listed on the wellevate site) to your daily routine, especially if you are experiencing large intestine or skin issues, pain on inside of arm, pain in your neck, or feel unsteady .
Take extra good care of your body and the earth this month!
Happy earth day!
Upcoming events and classes
- Regular weekly yoga classes at 1505 Llano Street, until May 28th
- April 23 special 9am earth day class with Kirn
- May 8th Level one teacher training graduation ceremony at noon
- May 28th final class and party
- Classes on June 25, July 16, and August 13 with Kirn and Guruchander at 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe from 9 – 11am; $20; online as well
- more to come!
The ways we can stay in touch:
1) Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this online course: It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever!
2) Video membership program: For $11 you have access to an ever expanding library of yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander.
3) The protocols on the Wellevate pharmacy have been edited and updated for all the astrological signs. You’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here versus local stores.
For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117. Passcode: 704095 with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential
4) Paypal: |