Sat Nam
Here is a portion of the letter we received at the real estate closing:
“We are so appreciative and grateful for the collaborative and very smooth transaction in the purchase of the Purest Potential facility – your beautiful building and space.
YouthWorks is so thankful for all the incredible work that you’ve done, and the energy that you have left behind in the building for the generations of young people to come to gain experience in such a wonderful, calm place – a place where they can learn, grow and flourish.
We’re so excited to relocate our officers and bring hundreds of young people through each year to learn, self actualize and become who they are meant to be!
We realize that you could have pursued other buyers, and we are so very grateful for your warm and compassionate hearts in choosing a nonprofit like YouthWorks. The center will be well cared for, well loved and a birthplace for young people to realize their greatest potential. Their Purest Potential!”
We wanted to share the gratitude expressed in this letter with each of you who have created this sacred space with us!
To celebrate endings and new beginnings we’ll have a free class with Kirn
May 28, 9 – 11am
Followed by a party and then
at noon the UHaul will come and you’re welcome to stay and help us move out of the building.
This Sunday at noon we’ll have our teacher training graduation ceremony and all are invited!
So much love and light
Upcoming events and classes
- Regular weekly yoga classes at 1505 Llano Street, until May 28th
- Monthly yoga “festivals” on June 25, July 16, and August 13 with Kirn and Guruchander at 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe from 9 – 11am; $20; online as well
- more to come!
The ways we can stay in touch:
1) Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this online course: It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever!
2) Video membership program: For $11 you have access to an ever expanding library of yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander.
3) The protocols on the Wellevate pharmacy have been edited and updated for all the astrological signs. You’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here versus local stores.
For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117. Passcode: 704095 with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential
4) Paypal: