Sat Nam
So much electromagnetic energy providing us with so much opportunity.
We’re receiving huge waves of photonic light, from sun flares and unprecedented sun quakes.
With awareness we can use this energy to co-create a new earth.
From fear and feeling victimized by outside events, we’ll repeat what has been.
Use your morning practice to self regulate during this potent activation time:
Have a clear intention for your new future
Activate the kundalini with pranayam and kriya
Engage the heart chakra in meditation and hold the sensations of the intention fulfilled
Off the mat be aware of your feelings, and bring them back to the heart, just hold them there.
Then Rise everyday!
It has been our honor and total joy to have served you at our beloved center on 1505 Llano Street. There is both sadness and also immense gratitude for what we have created together as we now prepare to leave this beautiful space.
May 28, 9 – 11am free yoga with Kirn
Followed by a party at 11am and then
at noon the UHaul will come and you’re welcome to stay and help us move out of the building.
So much love and light and with a deep bow
Kirn and Guruchander
Upcoming dates for yoga festivals:
- June 25, July 16, and August 13
with Kirn and Guruchander at 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe from 9 – 11am; $20; online as well
The ways to stay in touch:
1) Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this foundational online course: It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever!
2) Video membership program: For $11 per month you have access to an ever expanding library of yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander.
3) The protocols on the Wellevate pharmacy have been edited and updated for all the astrological signs. You’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here versus local stores.
For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117. Passcode: 704095 With these ways pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft (
2) Venmo: PurestPotential@purestpotential
3) Paypal: