Sat Nam *|FNAME|*
The focus for our Kundalini Journey this month is: Transformational vs Transactional.
Kundalini Kriyas alter the chemistry of the body as the progression of asanas activates the glandular system. In non altered reality relationships and life are often experienced as transactional. I do this and then will get, the reality of karma where every action has a reaction equal and opposite. With kriya practice we awaken to fuller awareness of what’s possible. A transformational experience, where interactions and life are experienced as an ever deepening Oneness
The meditation will give you a sense of how to respond with consciousness to life’s events. I hope this brings you the experience of courage and fearlessness during the month of August.” Dr Guruchander
Half the beds have been filled for the Peru Yatra 2024. FIND OUT MORE and register before its too late!
Last Saturday’s kundalini journey was posted for the members and we’ll try and video the Thursday classes and add them to the video library each week as well.
August. The eighth month, the eighth Body, Pranic Body. The theme for the month is: “I am totally courageous”. Here is the link to the meditation
To infinite courage
Kirn and Guruchander