Sat Nam *|FNAME|*
September, 9th Body, Subtle Body, Pluto, silver outer lining of the aura, the only body which travels with the soul upon death.
“Sat Nam, the ninth month of September is the number nine in the karma position and this is true every year. The purpose for sharing this numerology information is so that you have the information on how to stop reacting to life’s events and instead are empowered to create a conscious practice in your life. Dharma (to align with the Oneness) will bring you more peace. The themes of this particular month are mastery and calmness. During these 30 days you’re probably not going to get mastery but you can achieve a significant amount of calmness if you can focus during this month . When you experience this deep inner peace you might even decide to do this specific meditation for a thousand days.
The month of September focuses the energy on your karmic lessons with the planet Pluto. What you’re trying to do is to become conscious of the synchronicities in your life: where there’s mastery there is no mystery and where there’s mystery there’s no mastery. This meditation will open awareness to the synchronicities which tell you that you’re aligning with Pluto’s energy in a productive way” Dr Guruchander.
Watch the video & meditation for September month here.
A dharmic life aligns with hukam, the system of the universe. When your life aligns in this way you experience that life doesn’t happen to me, it happens through me.
A great month to learn how to be driven by calm and peace and then be ambitious…..
We will gather at 8am on September 23 (before our 9am kundalini journey) and participate with a simultaneous world wide event organized by Dr Joe Dispensa! This is your chance to inspire – and be inspired by – change in the world. Link to the walking meditation video.
Spaces are getting reserved for the Peru Yatra 2024. FIND OUT MORE
And its prime liver detox time right now! Whenever there is a dominant pisces energy that is the optimal time to be in energetic alignment to clear the liver meridian. Get ready now as we head into fall and the body prepares itself for the colder season ahead. We recommend taking Nutriclear free for this process. Link to liver cleanse.
Make a choice, make a change
Kirn and Guruchander