Success Stories
“I do at least 40 minutes every morning. My chronic pain levels have been reduced to a manageable condition requiring only over-the-counter pain meds, such as Advil. ( Tomorrow six years clean from opioids) and I take no more antidepressants – I manage my mood with Kundalini Yoga, especially frog squats, which are excellent as a mood booster. Kundalini Yoga is an important and integral part of my life, and I am grateful for you, my teachers, to have facilitated a deeper understanding, which I hope to still expand. As far as Yogi Bhajan is concerned, I have received very important spiritual teachings from teachers who were extremely fallible, including my first Sufi master, which did not negate the value of the teachings. That having been said, I’m glad you’re taking a stand against abuse and manipulation of vulnerable people. I appreciate your integrity regarding this matter. Wahe Guru!”
-Taj Ali, Santa Fe, NM
“Falling asleep last night, there was a playful energy surrounding me, dancing to the sound of Kirn playing Guru Ram Das, with Guruchander’s voice as well powerfully sharing stories of the steps towards attaining Happiness. I feel such a healing vibration surrounding me this weekend, continuing to push me to focus on myself, with a constant recognition of others I will serve. It truly is the most resounding experience of connectedness that I have ever felt. I feel such peace, joy, and intense excitement for the opportunity to dwell in the frequency of this Oneness, and to engage in intentional, willful effort for this Truth to prevail in my being. The ocean is vast, and the journey as intense as I make it – thank you for being a lighthouse!”
-JD Los Angeles
“Kundalini yoga is the singular thing that saved my life all those years ago, after the Great Recession wiped me out, I just got a divorce, and was suicidally depressed….. it was your gift of yoga that brought me back….. I am eternally grateful.”
“I am so proud and humbled to be forever a part of the Purest Potential family. So much of the quality and effectiveness of my life comes from what I learned and am learning from participating with our unique and sacred community. I pray to continue to contribute to this legacy and to be contributed to by our yogic community. Such a blessing and a privilege to be a part of the group of people who are bringing forth the golden age of peace.”
-Ramleen, Santa Fe NM
“You still influence my teachings. My work. The golden line of strength and integrity. Over these past four months I have been pulled more to read your emails regularly. They are strong. Thank you, for you. Your tremendous dedication to the path of living. To integrity. To love. And all the courage that is.”
-C Caruso, FL
“You are both amazing teachers and the love, kindness and sometimes hard truths you gave to the hundreds or thousands of people that connect with you is immeasurable. I know you changed my life. Without the foundational teachings of Purest Potential, I don’t know where I’d be. It has provided the foundation for my life and has proven its benefit getting through difficult times and even good times! It has allowed me to know myself!”
-AM, Santa Fe NM
“Forever grateful for you unwavering stand for my purest potential!”
-A T Truches NM
“I want to thank you for helping me get through the past 2 years, a hip replacement and a crazy amount of chaos in the world and at work. Every class brought me back to my center and helped me reorient in relation to the universe. Indra’s web is my new paradigm. Thank you for your reminders of where we really are stationed in time and space, and helping me to ground in that awareness.”
-SJ – Santa Fe

“I definitely learned a lot from my session with Kirn and my relationship with the 3rd chakra has shifted a lot. A lot of anger has moved through and there is an energetic connection to bliss that is much more solid. I also think that my relationship with power and authority has undergone a beatuiful cleanse. It was a really powerful session. Thanks so much for sharing your healing knowledge with me.”
“I don’t know where to begin in thanking you for the dedication you exhibit for this tradition and its ability to carve our potential from blocked to real. Your creative lessons, sharing true stories of your life, and your own ‘hurts to victorious’ experiences have inspired us all so very much. The humor, swearing, directness, and mostly your sincere desire to get us over our blocks left me just speechless. Thank you for doing it. Doing the hard work of turning coal into diamonds, or at least getting that coal into the first stages of transformation!”
-C.H: Bellingham, WA
“Hello Kirn & Guruchander!
Great thanks for the Numerology class and your Numerology book! My numbers are the closest true mirror I have ever come upon… Especially in terms of clarity with which to design a program/plan for myself-where to work, refinement of my path, what to do… My new Sadhana is setting my days in a brand new way!
Big Love and HUGE Thanks!”
-AnneMarie DOM Santa Fe
“I go to Dr. Guruchander for numerology readings whenever I need to deal with a life issue. Through a series of questions he quickly gets to the core of the issue. He delivers the information clearly, kindly and directly and then gives me tools to move through it. It is an amazing and effective experience. Very empowering!”
-Alexis Mc Naughton
“The 10 Body Treatment is like a rocket ship to heaven! My first experience of treatments had me feeling fantastic for months. Please take advantage of this amazing experience and the resource of Dr Guruchander.”
-Jeanne Billion M.Ed.,OTRL
“Thank you for all you do and who you are and for being one heck of a terrific TEAM! Thank you for the gift of Excellence!!”
-A.M.L Santa Fe
“All my love, light and blessings to you for this life changing experience.”
-K.D. Santa Fe
“Thank you so much for the ‘above and beyond’ techniques and gifts you have given me. My family and I are forever grateful. I vow to pay it forward in helping anyone else who comes to me for help!”
-S.B. TX
“Thank you for your guidance, instructions, humor, balance, being real, and letting me feel safe to explore uncharted dimensions of myself and most of all for your generosity of spirit, time and energy.
-J. R. Albuquerque
“Thank you so much. The contents of the class, your teaching, group experiences were fantastic and the reading/video materials are invaluable. I feel so fortunate to have been part of those classes. (Level 2 Kundalini workshop)”
-E P Santa Fe
I came to Kundalini yoga after years practicing in hatha/vinyasa studios. Truth be told, Kundalini actually came to me in the form of a bright, young, newly minted Kundalini teacher (Ty Smith) who was hired to teach in the entirely un-Santa-Fean time slot of 7am.
At first I honestly didn’t know what to think of Kundalini. All I could say when my fellow vinyasees asked, was that I was somehow drawn to Ty’s energy and that the practice was “DIFFERENT.” Intrigued and engaged – two senses I’ve learned to respect – I kept coming to class. More often than not as Ty’s only student. And slowly I began to understand why: Kundalini “made” me breathe.
I had long been aware that I often held my breath or at best breathed shallowly. All hatha/vinyasa teachers talk about the importance of breathing, but Kundalini required it – not as a by-product of sweaty calisthenics, but as an integral part of the practice.
Every Kundalini session is built around one or two “kriya,” which wed postures (asana), hand positions (mudra), patterns of breath (pranayama) and meditation toward specific outcomes that change with the day, the month, the year, and – of course – the intention of the practitioner. After nearly two years of near-daily practice – Kundalini continues to surprise and challenge me.
After about 3 months practicing together, both Ty and I each chose to move on from the little vinyasa studio where we met. I found my way to Yoga Santa Fe, where my practice and understanding of Kundalini has grown and significantly deepened working with the remarkable founders and lead teachers: Kirn and Guruchander, as well as their outstanding team of teachers, and the great community of yogis who practice in this very special center.
With my breathing more conscious and my physical body more flexible, I found myself increasingly aware of a parallel rigidity in my spiritual body. I also felt a growing confidence of my ability to achieve greater flexibility in that dimension as well. I’ve watched – almost as an outside observer – as the righteous anger that I have carried in my gut for almost 5 decades began, simply through my daily practice, to melt and disappear. I still have a tendency to see the proverbial glass as half-full, and I fully expect that too will shift as my practice continues.
Kundalini isn’t a religion and doesn’t seek to replace anyone’s beliefs. These facts were important to me. I have chosen to reconsider some of my own beliefs during the course of my Kundalini practice, but no one has ever suggested what I should or should not believe. That’s simply not how the practice works.
I’ve come to see my own Kundalini practice as a pathway to a sustainable, purpose-driven life, much as I’ve found that a plant-based diet is a sustainable pathway to sustenance for our times.
I encourage anyone looking for path forward in their own life to take advantage of Yoga Santa Fe’s amazing new student offer: “30 Days for $30,” and give Kundalini and the YSF community the opportunity to support you in rising above the daunting daily scrum toward a healthier, happier, and even a more holy future.
-John S. Gordon, Artist, Educator and Aspiring Yogi