Accelerated Evolution


A Pathway to Self Mastery

Sat Nam

With so much going on these days it’s a great opportunity to observe your coping style.  I’ve noticed my tendency is to personify God, and the universe. This trying to get it right or I would feel better attitude keeps me in the weeds.

My way out of the weeds is to change my story so that I have sovereignty.

A universe, and the energy we call God as just neutral, which gives feedback through the law of karma. A law based on the self regulating principle in the Oneness of life.

This time of accelerated evolution on our planet is like a massive flashlight illuminating all the weeds, all that needs to transform. The full moon on the 11th is a time to pay attention to what is being asked of you.

Stay Brilliant!
Kirn and Guruchander

Kundalini Community

  • Video membership program – $11 a month access to online yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander. 
  • Numerology readings & other offerings from Guruchander
  • Wellevate protocols for all the astrological signs
  • Nutriclear – This powerful combination of micronutrients, NitroGreens, fiber, fruit and vegetable extracts supports safe and effective detoxification. Contact Guruchander at 505-690-5261
  • Online Foundational Course – Experience more joy, focus and prosperity – this course is evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever! 


  • August 6th at 2-5pm – Mayan Fire Ceremony with Cacao – $45 in Chimayo (contact
  • August 12 Chat and Tea at LAND studio with Kirn and Guruchander about the way of the sacred heart
  • August 13 from 9 – 11am is our next Kundalini Journey with Kirn and Guruchander and live music with Jake Cohen: Theme: Thorn, Bud, Rose the way of the sacred heart. At 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe;  $20; and online as well.
  • August 21st at 4pm MST  Zoom meeting for Sutra Online course group
  • August 26 & 27 – Silent Meditation Retreat with Kirn, Guruchander and Jasjeet. Link to Register
  • October 14 from 6 – 8pm at 3211 So Coulter St. Amarillo with Kirn and Guruchander. Purushartha workshop  $54  Link to register


  • Wednesdays at 6:15 – 7:30pm, August 3rd, 17th, & 31st – with Lucy / Preet Kirti ( ) and in-person at her home, please contact Lucy to reserve an in-person slot
  • Tuesdays at 9 -10:15am – Starting August 9th ~ 6 Week Kundalini Yoga Series on Abundance with RamKrishan – Online & live at LAND Studio
  • Jasjeet’s home studio, The LAND Studio, offers weekly classes 505-204-8519
  • Ramleen offers daily kundalini classes for women via zoom by donation. Zoom link: 836-606-3675 Password: power


  • Kundalini Kommunity WhatsApp group. Communication to uplift and connect. You need to install the WhatsApp on your phone and respond to this email and we’ll add you to the group

Here is the link to the membership program which has 150 yoga class videos. 
How to get into the video membership program!
1) Go to your student profile at
Open your student profile
Click on the video icon.
2) Download the Karmasoft app from the app store
Find the Purest Potential Studio
Enter your email and passcode
Then click the video icon

Link to Upcoming Events with Kirn and Guruchander

“A free spirit is not bound by this, that, matter, materialism or opinion. They sing, dance and flow on the wind – for they are at one with it. They are nothing and everything – void and expanse. Even space and time does not confine or define them. For they are pure energy itself.”
― Rasheed Ogunlaru





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