Activate Your Purest Potential
A call for growth and expansion
By Kirn and Guruchander KhalsaWhat if you had all the coding for your potential and happiness within your own being?

The journey to awaken to your potential can be overwhelming and confusing. More and more information floods into our life via social media, books, podcasts, workshops, seminars etc. It’s easy to observe the stressful effects of information overload as we learn to navigate this new world! Instead of offering more data, this course has been designed to create an online experience that invites your presence and facilitates deep connection. Presence and connection are effective antidotes to stress and anxiety.Your personal experiences from going through the program will reveal that there are two powerful sets of forces within the human condition:
- A drive for growth and expansion
- And its opposing force
- A drive for safety

The human journey is a constant dance with these polarities, and it’s exactly this dynamic tension which provides the path towards our purpose and wholeness of Self.
Your Yogi’s Journey
You’ll go on an adventure of self discovery as you dive into what makes you YOU. Then by going through the lessons you’ll learn how to be victorious over your resistances, and from self reflection and group interactions, you’ll return ‘home’ transformed with a higher vision of Self.
At the end of this workshop you’ll:
- be able to create and interpret your own and anyone’s numerology chart;
- have an understanding of what the potential of your 10 bodies holds;
- and know how to align yourself with universal laws of manifestation.

What to expect:
You’ll receive self evaluation tools to help you keep going in an authentic direction with the least amount of effort long after the course is over.
Take aways
- Tap into the mindset of a yogi, focusing on sensations rather then reasons
- New habits to continue the discovery of the potential which authentic connections hold
- Self evaluation tools to observe where you are in your awareness journey. These tools will simplify your next action steps to create meaningful personal growth.
- Be part of an online community dedicated to discovery and transformation
This course also includes:
- Yoga and meditation videos
- Private discussion group where you can ask questions, get answers, post and connect with other students
- Receive monthly prompts for self mastery and self blessing
- Once a month 1 hour live interactive “yogi tea zoom chats” with Kirn and Guruchander to address your questions.
Awaken to Your Potential
“Our vision is for every person in this world to have an opportunity to master themselves and manifest their purest potential.”
Your Guides
Kirn is a subtle energy ‘specialist. For over 45 years, Kirn has been helping yogis connect with their inner potential. She employs divine alignment yoga practices and energy healing. She creates engaging and clear experiences that help students navigate the self awareness journey with ease. Kirn recognizes that authentic connection to Self is the most important aspect of our human experience and the best way to develop meaningful relationships with others.
As a chiropractor, Dr. Guruchander is the founder of GRD Health Clinic, and founding partner of Purest Potential. He has over 40 years of experience in health care as an effective and inspirational healer and kundalini yogi. Guruchander has been involved with many charitable organizations over the past 45 years.
Our vision is for every person in this world to have an opportunity to master themselves and manifest their purest potential.
Is there a questions you’d like to see answered during this workshop or future Purest Potential workshops?
Kirn and Guruchander are here to help you, wherever you may be at with your program or self awareness journey. We’d love to get your feedback and questions in order to serve you better. Feel free to contact us directly here in Sutra through direct messages.
To your Potential with Love & Light


Great thanks for the Numerology class and your Numerology book! My numbers are the closest true mirror I have ever come upon… Especially in terms of clarity with which to design a program/plan for myself-where to work, refinement of my path, what to do… My new Sadhana is setting my days in a brand new way!
Big Love and HUGE
Santa Fe

I go to Dr. Guruchander for numerology readings whenever I need to deal with a life issue. Through a series of questions he quickly gets to the core of the issue. He delivers the information clearly, kindly and directly and then gives me tools to move through it. It is an amazing and effective experience. Very empowering
Alexis Mc Naughton

I don’t know where to begin in thanking you for the dedication you exhibit for this tradition and its ability to carve our potential from blocked to real. Your creative lessons, sharing true stories of your life, and your own ‘hurts to victorious’ experiences have inspired us all so very much. The humor, swearing, directness, and mostly your sincere desire to get us over our blocks left me just speechless. Thank you for doing it. Doing the hard work of turning coal into diamonds, or at least getting that coal into the first stages of transformation!
Bellingham, WA