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Agency Presupposes Choice

A Pathway to Self Mastery

Sat Nam

The full moon’s focus on Saturday is about true power, and could be an opportunity to claim it back from all the places outside of yourself.

Perfect timing as another documentary about Yogi Bhajan has just come out. ‘True Believers’ by Vice; true stories of when belief in a person or product goes too far.  We both watched the video and it’s definitely cringeworthy yet also highlights that the methods work even though the messenger was deeply flawed.  How many times have we heard this story? Spiritual teachers, institutions, churches, or governments which became corrupt when personal power was encouraged to be vested in external authorities or dogma.

We’ve chosen to do the work of reclaiming agency and the immensely deep self reflection this requires because:   Agency presupposes choice.  –  Jerome Bruner

Upcoming events at 1505 Llano street
  • Regular weekly yoga classes until May 28th
  • Special full moon yoga with Kirn April 16, 9am
  • April 23 special 9am earth day class with Kirn
  • May 8th Level one teacher training graduation ceremony at noon
  • May 28th final class and party

The ways we can stay in touch:
1) Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this online course:  It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever! 

2) Video membership program: For $11 you have access to an ever expanding library of yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander.
3) The protocols on the Wellevate pharmacy have been edited and updated for all the astrological signs. We’re working on generating all the links within the protocols, a work in progress! You’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here versus local stores.

For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117.  Passcode: 704095  with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft  (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential 
4) Paypal: 

It’s totally ok to not RSVP and just show up!
Just bring some cookies 🙂

Purest Potential Studio QR Code

Here is the link to the membership program which has over a 100 yoga class videos. Each week we’ll be adding to the library. And yes, this replaces the free Youtube videos we previously had.

Link to Yoga Classes

We are all mediums for our own basic truths.
All we really have in life is the primal force that moves us through our days–our unvarnished, untutored, ever-present, inborn agency.–
A.S.A. Harrison





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