Sat Nam
We started teaching kundalini yoga in Santa Fe in 1983 at many different locations over all these years. Once again the way we are bringing forth Purest Potential is changing form. The building passed all inspections, and will be sold to this cool non-profit with May 28th as our closing date. As you can imagine there are a million things for us to do at this time and yet our overriding focus is on the many new and creative ways we’ll continue to be with you.
Jasjeet has created a small yoga space in her home and several of our teachers will continue to teach their weekly classes from this new location. Guruchander and I will offer special workshops at this location as well!
Upcoming events at 1505 Llano street
Regular weekly yoga classes until May 28th
April 23 special 9am earth day class with Kirn
May 8th Level one teacher training graduation ceremony at noon
May 28th final class and party
The ways we can stay in touch:
1) Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this online course: It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever!
2) Video membership program: For $11 you have access to an ever expanding library of yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander.
3) Find many wellness protocols designed by Guruchander on Wellevate which is our online nutritional dispensary. You’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here versus local stores.
So much love and light
Kirn and Guruchander
For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117. Passcode: 704095 with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential
4) Paypal: