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Dream on!

Sat Nam

Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams….

Yet like everything else in life, dreams keep evolving.

For example: this summer I got the VW van remember? it was a long time dream and then on a recent trip the motor got fried and the van is kaput, like terminal.

So I wrestled with this: did it mean I didn’t deserve my dreams, and what went wrong, and who went wrong…blah blah blah. My gremlins were up front and center and spinning their very familiar sad story.

Thank goodness for meditation cause in that precious meditative still space I saw that this dream had been fulfilled and I was ready to go on to the next one!  Nothing lost, just completion and transformation!

The astrology now is all about leaving out what is not essential, (like my drama around the loss of a van) and reorienting to your own personal truth and that takes time, devotion and self discipline. Every day, every breath committed to reorienting to your own Truth, your Sat Nam.

So that’s why Guruchander has been seen scootering around town!

Hakuna Matata

Kirn and Guruchander