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Emotional Awareness. Newsletter 4/16/2020

Sat Nam 

In some recent interview participants were asked what emotions they could identify and just how many do you think they could name…


glad, sad and mad

Why could not having emotional awareness be a problem?  It seems that when emotions are not identified and met with loving kindness, they have a way of coming out sideways. 

Here is a ‘distillation’ of an interview with Jack Kornfield about how you can cultivate greater emotional intelligence:

My vow is to steady my own heart with loving awareness and be kind in each moment.  I trust the cycle of life and my humanity.

When feelings arise I take a pause/a breath, and acknowledge and choose to be present with what I’m feeling. I ask it to show itself to me and then name the feeling gently. I make space for and hold my feelings with respect and patience, and this allows that feeling to open.

I put my hand on my heart and say: ‘Thank you for trying to protect me. I’m OK’. This brings me a sense of compassion for the feeling. As the feeling perhaps intensifies and eventually softens it allows me to reset my consciousness. My awareness gets bigger and I can hold my humanity and emotions with greater compassion, greater ease, presence and steadiness.

Peace, and hope to see you ZOOM….

Kirn and Guruchander

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash