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A Pathway to Self Mastery

Sat Nam 

We used to set goals with all the timelines and other specifics that have to be attached to goals. I loved creating vision boards and had them all over our home.  Then we left the ashram because of the politics and a few years later all the revelations about Yogi Bhajan came out.

Yogi Bhajan was one of the most creative and successful people I’d ever met and I wondered if he fell because of how creative and successful he had become.

So we took a goal setting break. No more vision boards or written goals. Instead I spiritualized the whole goal thing by telling myself I was now really flowing with Gods will and whatever was meant to be, would be.

Thank goodness for my daily practice as it has a way to bring me back to the middle when I’m way off in the extremes.

The needed break gave me a chance to see that goals had become my way to ‘prove’ I was doing all the prosperity mantras and meditations properly and ‘getting the stuff’ gave me a false sense of worthiness.

I also realized that we create regardless of if we set goals or not.  Our nature is to create, constantly.

I’m happy to report that living intentionally is totally fun again!  This creative energy we are part of is like currency and its available to use as I choose.  I now get to ‘fold and unfold reality’ as co-creator. I now have just one goal which contains my why and what and nothing about when or how.  A balanced way forward with intention and open to the miracles of how life can and does unfold.

Happy creating!
Kirn and Guruchander

The new Karmasoft app is now available in your app store

For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117.  Passcode: 704095
with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft  (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential
4) Paypal: 

Purest Potential Studio QR Code

This year has changed so much for all of us! If your practice has helped you and you can help other experience what yoga can offer, this is your opportunity to pay it forward!

Use the link below to donate and help those who would like to practice Kundalini Yoga with us, but need some help financially at this time:

A Pathway to Self Mastery!

Orientation is August 27, 2021 at 6pm MST.
September 2021-May 2022. We need your gifts, experience and presence to create the world anew!
For the full breakdown of dates, more information and to register visit:

Purest Potential has its own You Tube Channel?!
There are tons of on demand free classes right there that you can take at your convenience! And we’re adding more classes each week

Here is the link:

Link to Yoga Classes

Group meditation is a castle that protects the new spiritual aspirants,
as well as the veteran meditators.
Meditating together increases the degree of Self-realization of each member of the group by the law of invisible vibratory exchange of group magnetism.” –
Paramahansa Yogananda





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