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Important Announcement


A Pathway to Self Mastery

Sat Nam 

Thank you for being a part of the Purest Potential community and your commitment to hold your life with courage and awareness.

After much soul searching and reflection Guruchander and I have decided to retire from the traditional way we have shared healing and yoga. Our plan is to end by May 30th. However the building is up for sale now and the universe might have a different timeline for all of this. What we do know for sure is that this is an opportunity for more creative expression and collaboration as we move forward into the next expression of Purest Potential.  There are a million details to all of this and yet the most important one is that we are totally committed to bring forth Purest Potential, to grow the sacred dream and to co-create in sacred partnership.

So much love and light

Office hour with Kirn
Every Thursday from 12 to 1 Kirn is available for a free 15 min chat to support you on your wisdom journey.

For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117.  Passcode: 704095
with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft  (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential 
4) Paypal: 

Purest Potential Studio QR Code

Purest Potential has its own You Tube Channel
On demand free classes that you can take at your convenience
And we’re adding more classes each week:  Here is the link:

Link to Yoga Classes

The need for expansion is as genuine in us as the need in a plant for the light.

Matthew Arnold





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