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Discover Your True Self with Yogic Numerology

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We are thrilled that you are ready to embark on this journey of Self Mastery. This system revolves around your unique connection with your inner self, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of what makes you truly you. It recognizes that each of us is completely individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The numerology system we’ll be exploring is based on ten numbers and an additional “embodiment,” which represent 11 specific aspects of your psyche. These “bodies” hold incredible capabilities that we possess as human beings. Your birthdate contains a numerological “formula” that can unlock your potential in this lifetime, your very own “life’s code.” The objective of this course is to help you decipher the map for this journey and unleash your fullest potential.

The course is divided into 5 sections,

* Welcome and Introduction
* How to calculate your numerology
* Introduction to the 10 Bodies and 11th embodiment
* Tools
* The journey continues

Every section of this course contains written content, assignments, wisdom practices, and video recordings to make the learning experience engaging and to ensure that it goes beyond a purely mental exercise and becomes an immersive personal journey. To maximize your success, we recommend following the course in the order it is designed. The main section focuses on mastering the five different calculations, allowing you to fully explore each position’s significance. Following that, you will be introduced to the ten Bodies and the extraordinary potential of the 11th embodiment, highlighting your innate greatness. The tools section provides practical guidance and explanations for the more complex aspects of the calculations. Finally, the last section offers a preview of how you can further delve into this practice if desired.

Here are some things to have on hand as you get ready to dive into the course:

* a journal to write all the WRITE prompts in
* 10 sheets of (heavy stock) paper which will become your prayer flags
* string, and colored pens or crayons to make your prayer flags
* water, yoga mat, shawl, and meditation pillow within reach.

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