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Level up your life!



Sat Nam

I was at this estate sale the other day, and had a really interesting chat with one of the staff. They told me this story about a super rude customer, and then asked them, “Did you actually get out of bed this morning and decide to show up in your life like this?”

It really got me thinking about how we shape our own reality, you know? We have the power to choose our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We really are the directors of our own movie!

To make the most of each day, I’ve been doing this simple routine:

  1. Reflect: I take a moment to look back at yesterday. Not to beat myself up, but to notice any automatic thoughts or reactions that didn’t serve me.
  2. Imagine: I see myself as the person I want to be, living the life I intend to live.
  3. Feel: I focus on positive emotions like gratitude, joy, or love. It helps me stay present and appreciate the good stuff.
  4. Do: I do meditation, pranayam and yoga to stay grounded and centered

It might sound simple, but it’s been a game-changer! I feel more like the hero of my own story and way happier.

Keep SHINING and may your holiday season be filled with peace, joy and love, however you celebrate it! Saint Nicholas, Kwanzaa, Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi day, New Year’s eve….  


Purest Potential:Empowering individuals to realize their full potential and elevate humanity.

Purest Potential Offerings


  • January 18, from 9 – 11am: our next Kundalini Journey with Kirn, Guruchander and live music with Jake Cohen: Theme: Sense of Being.  At 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe;  $20; and online as well. 
  • Children 18 & younger can attend our Kundalini Journeys free of charge! Ongoing Community Classes:
  • Kundalini Yoga Tuesdays @ 9am MST  with RamKrishan via Zoom. Learn more:
  • Kundalini Yoga Therapy Group: Mondays 5:30-6:30pm. With Emily Everhart. Contact Serna Solutions at 505-207-8929 for more information.
  • Kundalini Yoga with Sarah at 816 Stagecoach Dr with zoom option. Mondays 9 – 10:15am.  Deepen your awareness of the 10 Bodies.

Does the sword slay the victim or the hand wielding it?
Without the hand it is just a piece of art.
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