Sat Nam *|FNAME|*
The tenth month, tenth Body, Radiant Body, the Sun, Color Gold
“About the month of October which is the 10th month. Anytime we’re dealing with a month number, what we’re talking about is the opportunity to eradicate all of those things that cause you to react. We say that’s Karma. Dharma is when you can respond with consciousness. The meditation we are sharing helps you respond with consciousness in the external world. That’s what karma is. It will help you to develop the sensitivity to recognize synchronicities that can benefit you. The tenth body correlates to the sun energy, so you’re going to harmonize with the energy of the Sun. The radiant body is how you increase your magnetic presence in this world, which is the up side now the down side is that you will have people run from you. They’ll not like you because you’re standing out since you’ve increased your radiance. Then you’ll have those people that are suddenly attracted to you because there’s a harmonious relationship that suddenly appears and they’re gonna love you.” Dr Guruchander
And about the Walk for the World event we had….In 167 countries around the world, people walked alone or with friends; with their families; with neighbors and colleagues. In all, more than 140,000 people formed more than 4,000 groups to join us as we walked in the energy of change. The next “step.” is to get good at practicing with your eyes open. To change your brain and body with clear intentions and elevated emotions. To walk in gratitude. Walk in joy. Walk in love. To keep walking – and for YOU to become more of the change you want to see in the world.
To your magnetic presence
Kirn and Guruchander