Solstice – New Years Ritual ~ Make the Most of 2023!


Start Off 2023 with Purpose & Get the Most out of the Year with this Fun Ritual

2023 will be a big year!
Every year, make the most of entering into a new cycle by reviewing where we have come from, where we are currently, and where we are going.
Clarity allows us to step more fully into life and show up more authentically. When we live with intentionality our experiences have a context – our experiences are opportunities. Everything is an opportunity to learn, to grow, to step more fully into a purposeful embodied existence.
Use this fun ritual as a way to step more fully into your life for 2023.
Get clear on your direction and allow the ritual to help you focus on a single theme to best harness energy of the year.
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Ritual Instructions

1) On the Winter Solstice, December 21st, take some time to reflect upon the previous year, where you have come from, where you are, and where you are going. 
2) Write out 12 different 1 prayers / intentions for the coming year, each prayer spaced on different a line.
3) Cut each prayer out, so you have 12 strips of paper. 
4) Fold up each of the papers so you do not know what is written on each of them – and put them all in a cup or container.
5) In the evening of December 21st prayerfully select an intention and burn it without looking at it, gratefully releasing your intentions into the fire.
6) Continue each night to prayerfully select an intention and gratefully burn it without looking at it
7) On January 1st morning you will be left with 1 folded up paper – unfold that paper and look at your prayer…  All of your other prayers are taken care of, that one that is left is the theme for you to focus your energy and attention on for the year!

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