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My Process: Newsletter 3/12/2020

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Sat Nam 

I was 15 when I began my Kundalini yoga journey. I did my first yoga class one warm day in Texas after I had just arrived from the Netherlands in total culture shock.   I found this practice from a deep longing to be in this world but not “off” it.

Doing Kundalini yoga at the Dallas ashram immediately softened me to accept what was and opened me to the possibility of living healthy, happy and holy.  It changed my life from feeling lost and disillusioned to  feeling connected and purposeful. The transformation was undeniable.

Yogi Bhajan was always strong, direct and incredibly loving to me, holding me with that love as he taught many difficult and challenging lessons. The one I’m most grateful for is when he encouraged me to have my daughter and “held my hand” for the whole 9 months when I felt paralysed by the fear of loosing another child.  

When we moved from Dallas to the Espanola ashram my experiences continued to deepen, as the practices gave me the courage to reach underneath my shield of armour and find the grace of my wholeness, it was extraordinary. The community became my extended family. 

I prayed, I did sadhana, I became vegan and completely embraced this lifestyle.  I committed my life.

I still am.

When I first heard of the allegations against Yogi Bhajan I felt shocked.   Inside every cell of my body there was immense pain and disbelief. I felt sick reading the stories. Is it true? Why? How? Were there signs I didn’t notice?

I was filled with so many questions.

So much emotion, especially tied to my own childhood traumas.

Yes, I believe the women.

Yes, we as a community must compassionately stand for transparency, truth and justice.

We must use this opportunity to define who and what we stand for.

What are we?

I write to you to share what I am feeling, my process in coping with all of this and to lend support.

1. I recognize that there is an independent investigation underway.

My prayer is that it is done truthfully, thoroughly, and kindly.

That during this time we hold the space for all sides of the community to speak, reflect and be with the shock.

2. I am grateful for the leadership team and their response. I hope that the conversation is one in which we neutrally listen to women, comfort all involved and allow for a new paradigm to emerge.

3. It is unacceptable for women to have been treated that way. For people to have not noticed this. How was that possible?

I honor that there are members of our community who were with Yogi Bhajan daily and adamantly deny the possiblity of these allegations.

4. I accept the invitation to create a new way of transformation that honors  boundaries, and has the reverence and respect which every human being deserves.

I extend my heart so that we can hold each of the women, children and stories to be more human. 

I invite us to use this as an opportunity to hold the space for the shadow and light. For us to hold the space for truth and to experience and allow for our emotions

Most of all for this experience to create the next evolution of who and what we are.  

May we be with each other.

Please reach out if I can be of service.

Kirn and Guruchander