Sat Nam
Feels like we’re going through a global rite of passage doesn’t it?
Amidst all the fear and uncertainty, conscious ceremony is a way to create a deeper connection to what is real and unchanging.
Some ideas to create personal ceremony during social distancing
Rising before the sun to deeply ‘be with’
Taking a cold shower to summon your courage
Blessing your meal and visualizing all people able to enjoy food
Dedicate a healing meditation to the front line workers
Walking in nature (barefoot) to reconnect and slow your pace way down
Long deep breathing to turn on your light house capacity
Long Deep Breathing relaxes the body because it stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from the neck to the abdomen and is in charge of turning off the ‘fight or flight’ reflex.” Other practices to improve vagal tone include laughing, singing, humming, yoga, acupuncture, and splashing the face with cold water — or having a full-body cold rinse.
Keep practicing!
Our full Schedule for Online classes is happening via Zoom! All classes are listed in MST zone. This is the only link you need!
We’ve made it super easy for you.
Individual Online Classes are $10
31 days of unlimited Online yoga $88
Class passes and memberships apply
Please make payments via Venmo to: kirnkhalsa and include class date & teacher. Or you can use the Mind Body App
Link to Mind Body App
So much love and light and hope to see you virtually soon