Sat Nam
Have you noticed how much “yang” energy there is all around us? Expressing as increasing geo-magnetic instability, solar flares, extreme weather conditions, and the uncovering of deep self destructive habits.
With the awareness of this energy and the opportunities which it holds, we have edited our books to express a more ‘integrated’ and Purest Potential frequency.
Another change is that we tune in with Ad Guray Nameh, releasing our previous connection to a “chain” of only masculine and therefore yang energy, to immersing in the sound current of Truth as our teacher.
To help stay balanced with so much change going on, try this meditative process:
Tune into your intention
Mind the gap between you and your intention. Notice. Don’t create a mental discourse around it. Notice your breath, the aliveness of your body. Cannot believe in sat nam only be it. Beyond concepts. Beyond thinking is stillness, presence, Notice the movement of thought without getting drawn into it. Don’t fight it. Just notice.
Follow the strings. Keep listening for the noise and hold it till it dissipates. Noise is anxiety stress fears notice how these are just movements on the surface, they come and go. In Sat nam there is no distance nothing to figure out. It is maturing you from within.
Raise your sail and catch the wind which is always blowing. Peace and a sense of contentment is the fragrance. Breath is taken in it. Ever present. Reawaken to that grace. Taking you home. Not achieving, instead engage with your sat Nam where you are a whole and complete limitless being. Drop into presence which just is. Not coming or going anywhere. Effortless. Notice the silence, this is sat nam.
Mind the Gap
Follow the Strings
Raise your Sail
Negative mind
Positive Mind
Neutral Mind
The Medicine
The Essence
The Invitation
Stay Brilliant!
Kirn and Guruchander
* August 13 is our next Kundalini Journey with Kirn and Guruchander and live music with Jake Cohen: Theme: Thorn, Bud, Rose the way of the sacred heart. At 816 Stagecoach Dr. in Santa Fe from 9 – 11am; $20; and online as well.
*August 12 Chat and Tea at Land studio with Kirn and Guruchander about the way of the sacred heart
* Bulk Yogi Tea spices for sale during our Kundalini Journey gatherings
* August 21st: Zoom meeting for Sutra Online course group at 4pm MST
* Jasjeet’s home studio, The Land Studio, offers weekly classes 505-204-8519
* Ramleen offers daily kundalini classes for women via zoom by donation. Zoom link: 836-606-3675 Password: power
* Free PDF files for all yoga sets and meditations from our 3 books.
* Video membership program: For $11 per month access online yoga classes with Kirn and Guruchander. If you’ve had issues connecting to the program….we changed bank accounts and that stopped the current memberships, I’m in the process of contacting everyone to set you up again.
*Visit the protocols on the Wellevate pharmacy for all the astrological signs:
*To connect with Guruchander and his offers:
* Guruchander still offers Nutriclear – This powerful combination of micronutrients, NitroGreens, fiber, fruit and vegetable extracts supports safe and effective detoxification.
* Experience more joy, focus and prosperity with this foundational online course: It’s evergreen so you can start it any time, and once you purchase it, it’s yours forever!
* Silent Meditation Retreat with Kirn, Guruchander and Jasjeet. August 26 and 27 Link to Register
* Kundalini Kommunity What’s app group. Communication to uplift and connect. You need to install the Whats App – app in your phone and respond to this email with your phone number and request to be added to the group.
For Purest Potential yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117. Passcode: 704095 With these ways pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft (
2) NEW USER NAME for Venmo: Purest Potential LLC @purestpotential
3) Paypal: