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Reinvent Yourself


A Pathway to Self Mastery

Sat Nam 

Walking at the dog park we met someone who said: “I heard you’re retiring or is it you’re re-inventing yourself?”  How is that for a nice reminder from the universe as to what these times are all about!

To answer some questions about the ‘Activate your Purest Potential’ online course:
This is an evergreen course which means you can start it at any time.
We have monthly zoom meetings every 3rd Sunday of the month at 4MST. Zoom ID: 4974717117 with the pass code: 704095 to answer questions about how to live with impeccable intention and support your process as you go through this course.      Course Link:
Our first meeting is this coming Sunday, January 16th!

Guruchander has monthly numerology ‘forecasts” which are posted on our YouTube channel (scroll down to find the link).  Here is a link to the 2022 forecast:

We have created many wellness protocols on Wellevate which is our nutritional outreach platform and you’ll receive a 20% discount on all supplements you purchase here.

6pm Full Moon class with Kirn, Monday Jan 17th.  We’ll meditate with our sisters of the sacred spiral in Mazatlan MX.

So much love and light
Kirn and Guruchander

Office hour with Kirn (if you don’t see an opening that means its booked for that day, please try next week)
Every Thursday from 12 to 1 Kirn is available for a free 15 min chat to support you on your wisdom journey.

For all yoga classes: Zoom ID: 4974717117.  Passcode: 704095
with 4 ways to pay:
1) through your student portal on KarmaSoft  (
2) in Studio
3) Venmo $10 per class to: PurestPotential@purestpotential 
4) Paypal: 

Purest Potential Studio QR Code

Purest Potential has its own You Tube Channel
On demand free classes that you can take at your convenience
And we’re adding more classes each week:  Here is the link:

Link to Yoga Classes

“We must reinvent a future free of blinders
so that we can choose from real options.”
David Suzuki





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