Sitting at a collective Red Light

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Stuck and can’t move….

This seems to be where the stars and life want us right now…. Mars in retrograde until the middle of November is creating this pressure cooker feeling for everyone.

As you’re sitting at that stoplight use the time to practice some new skills:

Speak to encourage peace, even when it’s an exploration—and with so much falling apart and rising, it’s mostly an exploration.   To get out of the blame game try this:  When you get triggered instead of pointing out how its the others fault that you feel a certain way, try this:

I feel…..
and the story I’m telling myself is…..
and what I need is ……

Practice Self Agency. Listen to your intuition. Think for yourself.

Accept everyone (which doesn’t mean that you agree with everyone by the way) thinking and not thinking, in fear, in wonder, in openness. Increasingly, this requires courage—these times require enormous new levels of courage.

This is how manifesting purest potential works.

We start out teacher training OCTOBER 23rd. You have just a little extra time to commit to your longterm yogic journey through teacher training. This is a special time to decide to walk the path of a yogi and teacher. The world needs these supportive practices more than ever. Kirn and Guruchander are energized to bring their lifelong study and wisdom of yogic technology and also the fresh perspective to meet the times to this training. It will be unlike any other training before it!

We will be offering the course in person and over Zoom to accommodate the situation and we would love to have your beautiful spirit join us!

Call Kirn with any questions (505-603-0573) or check out our website (!

Enjoy increased vitality and mental clarity! Live with increased hope, connection and joy!

Link to Yoga Classes

Meditations to Stay Afloat (while the world is sinking) with Ardas.

Elevate Yourself

Process Your True Emotions

6-Week Meditation Series begins October 5th!
Every Monday evening from 7:30-8pm MST

$48 for the entire series

Minimum registration is 10 participants

Chakra Trance Dance – Dynamic Meditation

Friday, Nov. 6th @ 6:30pm – 7:45pm
$20 – Limited Space available / Note: We could have this streaming over zoom if there is interest! Let us know!
Led by the Ram Krishans!

Trance dance dynamic meditation is a universal practice for connecting with your creative essence to unite body / heart / mind / spirit and give expression to the cosmic forces that guide the course of your life’s destiny.

Release physical dis-ease, repressed emotion, psychological blocks, and transform negativity to awaken inner brightness, confidence, vision, and vibrancy.

After an introduction and establishing our intentions for the evening, you’ll be guided on a journey accompanied by ancient & modern music. We close with deep relaxation, guided meditation, and gratitude.

A spiritual background or practice is not necessary, nor is experience dancing.
Wear light breathable clothing, bring a water bottle, and carry the intention to let go and have fun!

Mayan Astrology Part 1 –
Time as an Evolutionary Synchrometer

Saturday October 17th @ 10:30am – 1pm MST
$35 – Live, Online & Recorded
Led by the Ram Krishans.

Explore the nature of time, and the science of the Maya Sacred Count.
Maya Astrology is an ancient science of connecting with the primal and archetypal energies of creation. Time is the sequential nature of evolution, and day by day evolution unfolds for the awakening of fullest potential. Consciously align with the waves of time and ride them towards your destiny.

  • Maya perception of time as a spiral of evolution
  • Cholq’ij traditional use
  • About the Maya Long Count
  • The nature of the 20 archetypal energies of creation and their 13 forms of manifestation
  • The 13 moon dreamspell is not of the •Maya tradition
  • Your personal Maya Glyph / archetypal energy

Stay tuned for:
Living Maya Sacred Count Part 2 – Riding the Cosmic Wave
Saturday November 7th @ 10:30am – 1pm
Your Maya Cross Part 3 – Your Personal map for authentically navigating your destiny
Saturday December 5th @ 10:30am – 1pm

Registration information coming soon at

10% of the proceeds will go back to the Mayan Elders in Guatemala.

Join us for a special Kirtan event!
We will lift up our voices and create a higher frequency to elevate our spirits and to uplift our world!

Chanting For Change
Friday, October 30th from 6-8pm

This event is free and open to all!

A class that explains it all and it’s “pay what you can!” .
Every 2nd Friday of the month we will host an hour long Kundalini Curious class.

Kundalini yoga is an uplifting, energizing and transformative type of yoga that uses physical postures, powerful breath work, audible chants or “mantras” and hand gestures or “mudras” to produce full body awareness and purification. … Unlocking this potent energy is the primary focus of Kundalini yoga.
This class will allow for questions and go over in depth the basics and class structure.
FIRST CLASS is October 9th!

For more information please contact our yoga coach Jasjeet at 505-204-8519.

I am a hole in a flute, that God’s breath moves through, listen to this music – Hafiz

Happy to Help

Jasjeet, our Yoga Coach,  is happy to answer any of your yoga questions!

1505 Llano Street, Santa Fe, NM, 87505 USA





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