Grace is……
“I’ll be more specific: We *can* get through this. Absolutely, unwaveringly 100% faithful in our innate and profound capacity to unite and create a beautiful world.
If we stay in that space of it’s possible, but it’s not a given,’ then we stay AWAKE. And that is the tension that Grace holds. Grace is holding possibility and danger. Grace knows that it could go either way. And she stands at the edge of The Void and declares that a change is going to come.
The thrilling truth is that we get to choose which way this goes. Free will is an honor, not a burden.” ~Danielle LaPorte
Amazing thoughts from writer, Danielle LaPorte… It has been difficult to get in touch with the feeling of empowerment lately, as I continue to navigate the pandemic and election season and the change of season in nature. Many feel like we are living life in a fishbowl and just doing the same lap or rearranging the same rocks. It is difficult to find and maintain momentum. And maybe it’s just another moment to remind us to try to cultivate patience, rest and clarity. Maybe we are being asked to get really clear before we are able to move forward again.
Many of us long for a change, long for movement and are recognizing some of the ways we have used to cope and distract are just not working right now. And that’s disturbing. We are entering the forest at the dark corner and we are having to stand there and wait. And we aren’t even sure what we are waiting for…
As the seasons shift, I want to shift too. And I do have the choice about how I show up for myself and others. I’m going to hang on to the shreds of light and not fear the shreds of darkness. I may be in the collective Void, but if I can get clear I can plant the seeds of possibility as I wait.
written by Sat Rattan, Purest Potential’s social media wizard