Sat Nam
This Saturday we’ll journey into the sacred heart. This portal to all 10 Bodies is also named ‘a cup of prayer’ which when filled overflows into the 6th center and expresses as ‘a person at prayer’. Prayer is the automatic energetic expression of what is held in the heart. The heart is the magnet which attracts what you came here to integrate, for yourself, and 7 generations in the past and future. It magnifies your soul’s contract for being. This journey requires awareness, courage, self mastery and sovereignty.
*Unique yoga to observe how the second Body attracts circumstances/people into your life for deep healing
*Pranayam to discover how the third Body expands these opportunities and activates your sacred warrior energy needed for this journey
* Profound meditations to experience deep compassion. Patanjali Rishi describes compassion or “karuna” as one of the four keys to peace.
Peace to you, your loved ones, and all beings…
Love and Light
Kirn and Guruchander |