The “Self Sensory Human:” The experience of being fully human is to be found in the harmonious expression of the 10 Bodies. In this new age the traditional structures (ex. religions, financial systems, governments) are not able to support the increased energy causing a collapse of systems worldwide. This collapse is a necessary and important aspect of these times. What is required is an “upgrade” of all structures that allow for manifestation, both internally and externally. This upgrade is happening globally as well as individually. What we have observed is that this shift can be made more consciously simply by becoming aware of and aligning with your 10 bodies. The first 7 bodies correlate with the chakras, they are the energetic expressions of each chakra. According to the ancient Chinese, Tibetan and Yogic models of awareness, the first 6 chakras are electric in nature created by the positive and negative poles at each chakra. This creates a current which can be observed in the flow of the meridians and nadis. The 7th, 8th,9th, and 10th bodies are electromagnetic in nature. This electromagnetic field is created by the electric flow of the first 6 chakras. This creates a protective shield for the electric system of the body. When both the energetic and electromagnetic aspects are in harmony what is expressed is the Self Sensory Human. This is our human upgrade to manifest our Purest Potential.
These 10 Bodies are your God-given powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see Spirit in everyone. They let you evaluate the input of your mind to reach a compassionate, neutral place, and they enable you to create sacredness, and to live in balance. Awareness of the Ten Bodies lets you live life as a radiant, self-initiated, limitless Being.
Each body has specific gifts that it gives you when it is strong, and certain deficits that will surface when it is weak. The thing to remember is this: you can always strengthen any of your bodies. Once you become aware of the weakness in yourself, identify which body it corresponds to and commit to the yogic practice that strengthens that body. It is very simple and direct. The Yogic Practices we will recommend throughout this site will bring you many suggestions as to what you can do to balance and strengthen each body.