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Yogi Glasses

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Inspired Engagement

Yogi Glasses

Sat Nam *|FNAME|*

Wearing our yogi glasses, you know the ones that let you see with your third eye….

We observe possibilities where before there seemed to be only polarization.

When we see with our two worldly eyes we live in the right/wrong, winner/looser paradigm.

The way to open the all seeing 3rd eye is through the portal of the heart.  

This is how we access a higher seeing and this is where the process of awakening to our true selves starts.

Stay present because with yogi glasses the path that is revealed is deeply inward, softening our hard edges and opening us to the significance of all things small and large.

To seeing what can be
So much love

Zoom ID: 4974717117
Passcode: 704095

For all yoga classes, workshops and Tai Chi
Venmo $10 per class to: Kirn_Khalsa

Link to Yoga Classes

A class that explains it all and it’s “pay what you can!” .
Every 2nd Friday of the month we will host an hour long Kundalini Curious class.

Kundalini yoga is an uplifting, energizing and transformative type of yoga that uses physical postures, powerful breath work, audible chants or “mantras” and hand gestures or “mudras” to produce full body awareness and purification. … Unlocking this potent energy is the primary focus of Kundalini yoga.
This class will allow for questions and go over in depth the basics and class structure.
CLASS is November 13th with Jasjeet!

For more information please contact Purest Potential’s  yoga coach Jasjeet at 505-204-8519.

Meditation is hanging out with your soul

Happy to Help

Jasjeet, our Yoga Coach,  is happy to answer any of your yoga questions!

1505 Llano Street, Santa Fe, NM, 87505 USA





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