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[vc_row padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]Affirmations help to reframe your beliefs until they become your reality, your experience. “Fake it and you will make it”. We must practice and “feel” new beliefs before they become our newfound reality.

For many years I wondered why people who were disciplined in their practice of yoga seemed so stuck. Many would come to me complaining that they just weren’t achieving the progress they had imagined. As we talked it became clear that they had the goal of becoming a yogi, but had failed to define what that meant. No wonder they felt frustrated, because there was no clarity about what the realization of the practice would feel like, taste like, be like.

This started our research into yogic and spiritual literature for clear goals and affirmations created by yogis, and other saints confirming the purpose for their spiritual practice. Well, they had tremendous clarity, and we found many! This clarity of the experience of self-realization was the “it” that most people had not defined. The honesty, and the devotion were there, but the clarity of what that experience would give was lacking.

The affirmations all described inner qualities such as bliss, joy, and ease.   What the ancients had realized is that when these inner qualities become part of your reality they create a base to allow worldly goals to manifest in perfect harmony with your True Self, your Sat Nam.   We recommend that you first establish a strong personal sadhana for at least 120 days and then you are then are ready to change your self-concepts from who you are to who you want to become.


  • Making the recording using a computer, etc.
  • Speak one affirmation at a time
  • Pause 8 seconds as research has shown a higher impact on retention if this pause is added
  • Play very simple music in the back ground such as Pachabel Canon in D or your favorite spiritual music
  • When you complete your recording then burn a CD of it
  • Play on CD player 24 hours a day close to or under the altar, in your car, etc.

Some guidelines for creating your own affirmations:

  • Add the word now at the end of each affirmation to qualify that “now” is the eternal now.
  • State the affirmation in the positive, i.e. do not say: I am getting rid of anger, instead say: I am at peace, now.
  • Feel free to redo your affirmations any time you want to!

I would like to share a personal experience of practicing affirmations. After many years of listening to my affirmations, I became aware that one in particular stood out for me. The affirmation: “I am fearless, now”. I began to notice all the times I wasn’t fearless as this instruction to my inner self penetrated my psyche.   My inner talk would sound something like the following: “I AM totally fearless NOW, so why am I feeling fearful when that’s not my higher self’s true identity?”.   I would then take a few minutes and repeat “I am fearless now” until my state of being matched the belief and the feeling of being totally fearless.

“You become what you focus on”. These affirmations combined with an active yoga and meditation practice will create the clarity you seek from your life’s experience.

Kirn and Guruchander[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]