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Kundalini yoga is a life-changing practice to cultivate deeper self-awareness, health, and wellness.  We can observe inflammation in our world as stress, anxiety, pain, arthritis (any illness which ends in “itis”), and depression. These are symptoms of imbalance that indicate that a change is needed.  We are in the middle of a paradigm shift into the Aquarian age, where the focus has moved from an outwardly imposed authority to an inwardly activated authority.

Purest Potential Kundalini Yoga deeply enhances your experience of the 7 chakras and 10 energetic bodies and their influence on your well-being. Beginners of this practice frequently notice greater energy, flexibility, strength, inner calm, and better sleep. This practice includes meditation, beautiful mantras, Tantric Numerology, and 10 Body awareness practices all woven together with yoga poses, breathing exercises, and other awareness processes. These create a heightened awareness that is the catalyst for change and growth and will empower you to direct your energy to the areas that call for emotional healing, stress reduction, and balance.

What does living with this awareness promise?

By engaging the subtle energy systems, Kundalini Yoga gently helps you experience wholeness and integration as you become more conscious of your emotional and physical blocks. These practices awaken your inner light, revealing your essential gifts and talents. When this awareness is connected to the purity of the heart, it activates the expression of your potential.

How is Purest Potential Kundalini Yoga different from other kundalini yoga methods?

At Purest Potential, we combine Tantric Numerology, 10 Body Awareness, and Vital Energy Lifestyle practices with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. This brings forth the capacity to balance and integrate the polarities so you can express your unique potential. The commitment here is that all challenges are opportunities for deeper awareness, peace, and calm

Kundalini Yoga is not about fixing anything, this community is about the deep healing which comes when trauma is released, and internal and emotional blocks are integrated from the energetic bodies. It’s about evolution vs. revolution, it’s about you being yourself.


  1.  Opening Mangala Charan Mantra for Protection and Connection
  2. Intention
  3. Warm-Up Asanas
  4. Main Kriya
  5. Meditation Deep Relaxation / Gong Bath
  6. Closing Song / Long Sat Nam / Blessings


The Mangala Charan Mantra:

Ad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh,
Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devay Nameh

I bow to the primal wisdom, I bow to the wisdom throughout the ages, I bow to the true wisdom, I bow to the great unseen wisdom.

This mantra clears clouds of doubt and opens you to guidance and protection as it surrounds the magnetic field with protective light. This mantra awakens all 10 Bodies when the hands are held in prayer pose. It is recommended to chant it at least three times before beginning any session of Kundalini Yoga.

SAT: Truth NAM: Name (Identity)
“Truth is my identity”
SAT NAM (rhymes with “but mom”) Use it as a greeting, anytime, anywhere, anyplace.


  1. Use a wool mat for support. Any natural fiber such as wool, cotton or silk provides an electro-magnetic insulation from the ground.
  2. Wear comfortable clothes made of natural fibers.
  3. If you must eat before class only eat something light like a piece of fruit and avoid eating anything heavy two hours before class.
  4. Take your socks off. Our feet have approximately 72,000 nerve endings in them. When we allow our feet to breathe we allow our nervous system the chance to connect with the energy surrounding us.
  5. While pregnant or menstruating ask your teacher for a variation when the asana stimulates the navel center or calls for an inverted pose.



Breath of Fire is a rapid, rhythmic, bellow type of breathing method. This breath is used consistently throughout Kundalini Yoga Kriyas. In Breath of Fire, the focus of energy is at the navel point. The breath is fairly rapid, 2 to 3 breaths per second, continuous and powerful with no pause between the inhale and exhale.

INHALE – As you inhale, the air is pulled in by pushing the navel point forward to bring the air into the lungs.

EXHALE – As you exhale, the air is pushed out by pulling in the navel point and abdomen towards the spine. In this motion, the chest area is moderately relaxed.

**While pregnant or menstruating, substitute Long Deep Breathing for Breath of Fire.



Throughout the world, kundalini yoga classes end with this “Sunshine Song” blessing by the Incredible String Band.

May the long time sun shine upon you

All love surround you

And the pure light within you Guide your way on