Newsletter 7/25/19

Sat Nam  The world needs people of great caliber to stand up, be courageous, authentic and bold….. We each have innate greatness but perhaps lack clarity as to what that […]

Newsletter 7/18/2019

I found this quote by an awesome lady whose name escapes me. While so many play the endless and painful global “blame game”, I use reminders like this to bring […]

Blog 6/20/19

            Sat Nam  Life with the kundalini engaged is like living with technicolor glasses.  Same life just way more “alive”.  Sounds great right? So how […]


[vc_row padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]Affirmations help to reframe your beliefs until they become your reality, your experience. “Fake it and you will make it”. We must practice and “feel” new beliefs before […]

Aquarian Sadhana

[vc_row padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Aquarian Sadhana attunes your gunas, your chakras, and your mind to your Purest Potential.The Aquarian Sadhana is practiced by Kundalini Yoga communities across the world. Doing sadhana […]

Aquarian Sadhana Mantras

[vc_row padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru (7 minutes) I am at one with the creator, my true identity is infinity, I accept my darkness and my […]


[vc_row padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″][vc_column][vc_column_text]The use of an altar has proven to be very important in terms of self-realization for us, and many of our students. We have found that personal home […]