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Foundations of Kundalini Yoga | Digesting Experience


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The Foundational Principle for the third month is Digestion.

The foundational teachings for any yoga practice are contained in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. He writes in the second chapter that the path of yoga contains 8 parts or limbs.

Patanjali Sutra Il 29.

Yoga’s eight component parts are:

  • Yamas: self control for social harmony
  • Nivamas: instructions for personal discipline
  • Asana: yoga postures
  • Pranayama: regulation of the breath
  • Pratyahar: dedicated devotion
  • Dharana: contemplation of our Sat Nam, our true nature
  • Dhyana: meditation on Sat Nam
  • Samadhi: Being absorbed in spirit

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”6238″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Looking at this through our kundalini lens we see that the first 2 limbs help us to regulate the activity of the second body, the negative mind. The 3rd and 4th regulate the activity of the positive mind. The last 4 all help us to dwell in our neutral mind, the sacred heart, the portal to all 10 bodies!

The whole practice of yoga is about the integration of the three aspects of the mind. In case you’re confused about how to navigate this process just look to your physical body for clues. It will reflect your harmony with how your mind is processing life’s events by how you well your digestion works for you! If there is discomfort or pain tune into where in the process of moving from negative to positive to neutral you might be stuck. The negative aspect is the protective aspect of the mind. The positive mind is the projective aspect of the mind. The neutral mind is where all thoughts and feelings that arise must pass through so we can dwell in our intuition and remain true to our Self.

Why yogis practice all 8 parts of the yoga formula is so that you can digest all the experiences of your life in such a way that you keep moving towards the goal of yoga which is to become and love yourSelf.

The kundalini way to digest the experiences of your life is to keep moving from negative to positive to neutral. Sorry to tell you but this process is never done as long as we are here on planet earth where the polarities provide the curriculum of life! With the 8 aspects of yoga included in your everyday practice you make sure that you can digest all of life’s lessons.

IN order to accelerate the inner development of the Self we need to bring the 3 aspects of the mind together. They must synchronize and balance. We sit in stillness to release the struggle to control the world and to consciously return awareness to being yourSELF.

A simple example of how to get all 8 aspects into your day to digest your experiences and support your experience of Yoga:

  • Wake up before the sun rises and do yoga, pranayama and meditation practices ending with a prayer at your altar.
  • Be intentional about what you consume with your 5 senses during the day.
  • Support charitable causes for the good of all by donating your time, money or prayers Hang out in conscious community.
  • Take breathing breaks during the day for just one minute each
  • End your day with an attitude of gratitude knowing that you can digest all the distractions, temptations and confusions and transform that energy to make an impression on your own infinite consciousness and dwell in your Sat Nam, your true nature
