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Gutka martial art: Paintra

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Where Purest Potential becomes living Reality

Wednesday Sadhana: 5:30 to 7:30am
Aquarian Sadhana Practice

Sunday Sadhana: 5 to 7:30am
The theme for the Sunday Sadhana practice varies:
1st Sunday of the month:  Prosperity
2nd Sunday of the month: 10 Body Sadhana
3rd Sunday of the month: Miracle Mantra
4th Sunday of the month:  Aquarian Sadhana

Bring water, yoga mat and blanket
You can come at any time during this morning practice, there is no such thing as coming late to sadhana. Come to enjoy the song of your soul during these early morning hours and set your frequency for the day.

