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Practice with Purpose! 11/7-11/13/2018

11-7-2018 7/11=9/11=11
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga exercises which create the opportunity to experience how to uplift (7) yourself and others to the awareness of infinity.
11th embodiment of meditation. Soul (7) arms 60° breath of fire for three minutes. Chant Adi Shakti mantra, ‘Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti Namo Namo, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti Namo Namo, Pritam Bhagavati, Pritam Bhagavati, Pritam Bhagavati Namo Namo, Kundalini, Mata Shakti Mata Shakti Namo Namo’ for 11 minutes.

11-8-2018 8/11=9/11=3
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga exercises which create the opportunity to experience courage (8) and bliss (3).
11th embodiment of meditation. Soul (8) windmills (8) three minutes. Chant: ‘I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful, bountiful, blissful and beautiful I am’ for 11 minutes.

11-9-2018 9/11=9/11=4
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga exercises which create the opportunity to experience the living reality of being a Yoga (4) Master.
11th embodiment meditation. Soul (9) breathe sitali pranayama (9) for 11 minutes. Yogi mudra (4) with Breath of fire for 11 minutes.11-10-2018 10/11=9/11=5
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga practices which create the opportunity to live and teach (5) self radiance (10).
11th embodiment meditation. Soul (10) Archer pose (10) 5 ½ minutes each side. Chant (5) ‘Gobinde, Mukande, Udhare, Apare, Hariang, Kariang, Nirname, Akame’10), for 11 minutes.

11-11-2018 11/11=9/11=6
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga practices which create the opportunity to access infinite (11) intuition (11) to guide your life to self-realization.
11th embodiment meditation. Soul (11) repeat the 11th embodiment meditation three times throughout the day (6).

11-12-2018 3/11=9/11=7
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga practices which create the opportunity to uplift (7) yourself and others to vast amounts of experiences which are blissful (3).
11th embodiment meditation. Soul (3) comes from (1+2) spine flex in easy pose (1) three minutes, and then three minutes in rock pose. Arms 60° (7) breath of fire for three minutes. Chant: ‘I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful, bountiful, blissful and beautiful I am’(3) for 11 minutes.

11-13-2014 4/11=9/11=8
Mastery (9) of infinity (11) through yoga practices which create the opportunity to live as a courageous (8) yogi (4). 11th embodiment of meditation. Soul (4) Comes from (1+3) spine flex in easy pose (1) three minutes, and then stretch pose for three minutes. Windmills (8) three minutes. Yogi mudra (4) with a breath of fire for 11 minutes (8).

11th embodiment meditation for 2018
Sit on heels with hands on floor in front of the knees, fingers spread wide. Inhale in the up position and mentally chant sa ta na ma, then exhale as you bow down with forehead on the ground and mentally chant wahe guru. Stay down and think of what you are grateful for. Continue moving up and down as slowly as you can with the pranayam and the gratitude reflection.
This Blog aligns your kundalini yoga practice with the energy for the day, based on Yogic Numerology. This practice is awareness based vs. predictive so you can practice with purpose!
For more information please visit:
Sat Nam and Enjoy!